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The Upper North Neighbors Association is a community organization concerned with the future of our neighborhood.


Spurred to action by a development in the community, local neighbors banded together and held forums to voice community concerns to the developer and organize the needs of the community.  Out of seven plus meetings, the community recognized a need to organize and create a vehicle for all to work together to have a community we can enjoy.  Join us in our movement towards unifying our community through action.


We are a dedicated group of volunteers committed to affecting change in the community through the following initial goals:


  • Engaging local residents and recruiting volunteers

  • Encouraging participation of local residents by providing a voice for their opinions at monthly meetings

  • Creating opportunities for events in the community 

  • Providing city, state and federal resources and information when available

  • Recruiting new local block captains and organizing a block captains network

  • Maintaining a watchful eye on local development through our Registered Community Organization (RCO).


Our focus as organized residents and stakeholders is to share, inform, and involve the community in decisions and supply them with information that may impact on our lives.




Take some time to browse this website and you will SEE we are here for you!


New Member Information


  • New Member T-shirt

  • Monthly membership meetings, providing a platform for the community to have a voice on issues that affect us

  • Connection to our email list-receive direct emails on updates, information and opportunities as soon as we get notice

  • Membership card (working to apply benefits from local merchants)

  • Members may vote at the monthly meetings as long as the membership is valid and in good standing  as of the day before such meeting, when votes are applicable

  • Good Standing Membership-As cost is not always associated with eligibility for membership, we measure good standing based on activity within UNNA.  All members must be active on at least (1) committee and be present at 75% (9) of the meetings held throughout the year.

  • Any person 18 years or older who resides in or is an owner of record of property or business within the specified boundaries is eligible for membership.



We want to hear from the community!   

CLICK HERE to share your ideas and input on change in our community!


Tired of the large piles of trash, tires and debris on residential streets?  Have abandoned cars on your block? Here's 2 ways to help! 

CLICK HERE to email our neighboorhood Trash Task Force Advisor 

CLICK HERE to submit a service request to 311 or download the 311 moblie app !

©2020 by UNNA. Custom created website by Quality Impact Solutions

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